Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki can be as effective as in person Reiki.  Reiki can help heal more than physical ailments but also mental and spiritual.  It can be sent to the past, present and future.  Can be for yourself or someone else.  If it is for someone else, if permission is obtained before hand is helpful but not necessary. I often send Reiki to people without their knowing. I can also send to a place, event, object, situation, etc.

If this is your first time receiving a treatment with me please book a consultation first. Consultations can be done over the phone, on Whats app, Facetime audio or video, or email. Once I receive your appointment I will contact you via email to confirm how you want to do the consultation. After the consultation you can just book a regular Distance Reiki session from then on.

Please read the disclaimer page here before booking

If you are interested in finding out more about Reiki, please click here.

Please book an appointment please send an email to: .

Donation suggestion: (Any amount is appreciated but this is what I would charge for in person)

Consultation $25-50

Regular Distance Reiki $50-75

To donate please go to our donations page by clicking here or chose a charity of your choice.

Tarot Readings

Tarot card readings are for entertainment purposes only.

Please note that Tarot readings are not set in stone. Many Tarot card readers read the cards differently. There is no right or wrong way. With the actually meaning of the cards you can decide for yourself if it applies to you or not. Keep an open mind and try not to project what you want onto the cards instead of what actually is. Tarot readings can be very powerful if you allow them to be. I have been using and studying the cards for over 30 years I have never not been surprised by them.

How it works: Once you book, I will send you an email to pick numbers. I will use these numbers to pull your cards so think carefully before you answer. The power is yours to decide. I always shuffle the card in 3’s. Meaning I cut the deck, shuffle three times, cut the deck, shuffle three times, cut the deck, shuffle three times. Also, I use crystals, candles and essential oils when doing a reading. If any of those are not for you, please let me know and I will leave them out. Then I will send you a picture of your layout and what the cards are telling me.

You must be 18 years of age or older for me to do a reading for you.

I am happy to even have some fun if you want me to a reading for some else such as a member of Stray Kids or Taylor Swift or whoever. Just for fun and for those you must show proof of a charity donation. (The only spreads used for this will be The Star, Daily Card, Daily Card Spread, and Yes or No answers.) This is not included in the 18 years of age or older policy as it is just for fun.

Please see the disclaimer page here.

To book please just click on which spread you want or send an email to:

Donation suggestion: (Any amount is appreciated but this is what I would charge for in person readings)

1 card pull spreads $25

2-4 card pull spreads $30-50

5 card pull and up spreads $50

To donate please go to our donations page by clicking here or chose a charity of your choice.

Daily Spreads

 The Celtic CrossA ten card pull.  With this layout, ensure that you have an issue, theme or question that needs to be resolved or use it to clarify where you are at any moment in time. 

1.      You now/heart of the matter

2.      Challenge/blockage

3.      Conscious goal

4.      Unknown influence

5.      Past influence

6.      Approaching influence

7.      Inner resource or talent

8.      How others see you

9.      Hopes and/or fears

10. Outcome


The Star:  A five card pull.  This is a good spread for emotional issues. 

1.      Feelings

2.      Influences

3.      Emotional block

4.      Expectations

5.      Most likely outcome

Yes or No Answers:  A one card pull.  Want to ask a simple question that requires a simple yes or no response to determine your future.  Then this pull might be for you.  A single card pulled to answer your question.


Daily Card:  A one card pull.  Just the way it sounds, a card pulled daily to guide your way.


Daily Card Spread:  A three card pull.  A little more in depth look at your day.

1.      Card of the day

2.      Attend to this

3.      What to look out for


Mood of the Day:  A three card pull.  Your mood for the day and how you can change or increase it. 

1.      The mood of your day

2.      Interferences

3.      Positive results


My Greatest Strength:  A four card pull.  Discover your greatest strength and how to develop it.

1.      My current strength

2.      How I can utilize it

3.      The road it will lead to

4.      What strength you need to develop


My Greatest Weakness:  A three card pull.  What is your greatest weakness and how you can work on overcoming it.

1.      My current weakness

2.      What will help me overcome it

3.      New direction


My Main Priority:  A five card pull.  What is your main priority right now.

1.      Main priority

2.      What is blocking me

3.      Things I can change

4.      Things I must accept

5.      How things will progress


Other Priority:  A three card pull.  Usually concerns your love life, career and self development.

1.      Love

2.      Career

3.      Self Improvement


The Secret Me- 1:  A four card pull.  Reveal your current secrets.

1.      My secret desire

2.      What motivates me

3.      What puts me down

4.      What I can accomplish


The Secret Me- 2:  A 3 card pull.  A different version of the secret me 1.

1.      My secret love

2.      My secret hate

3.      My secret test


Past Issues, Present Obstacle, Future Outlook:  A five card pull.  Just as it sounds.

1.      You now

2.      Present obstacle

3.      Past issue still unresolved

4.      Past obstacle

5.      The way ahead

All Change:  A four card pull.  Another “future/past-oriented” spread but focus on what you can let go of from the past to enable you to move on.

1.      What no longer matters

2.      What has been fulfilled

3.      What will carry me forward

4.      The change I must embrace


Who I Am and Where I’m Going:  A seven card pull.  This spread invites you to explore yourself a little more thoroughly than others.

1.      This is who I am now

2.      This is what I don’t know about myself

3.      This is what I need to relinquish

4.      This is what I need to develop

5.      What I’d love to become

6.      My current quest

7.      Where it will lead

Relationship Spreads

The Relationship Right Now:  A seven card pull.  This spread can help you understand your relationship at any point in time, identify it’s plus and minus points and guide you and your partner through the maze of emotions.

1.      Its energy

2.      Its communication

3.      Its strength

4.      Its weakness

5.      Its reality

6.      Its passion

7.      Its key to the future


 The Love Test:  A seven card pull.  Can be used whether you are single, in a new or long-term relationship. 

1.      My love goal

2.      What I have to offer

3.      What I lack

4.      What I don’t want in partner

5.      The heart of the matter

6.      What I can do to make this work

How You See Each Other:  A six card pull.  How you each view the other and the relationship.  Remember not to project your hope, fears or wishes onto your partner. 

1.      How partner A sees Partner B

2.      How partner B sees partner A

3.      What A wants from this relationship

4.      What b wants from this relationship

5.      Where A believes this relationship is going

6.      Where B believes this relationship is going

Where Do We Go From Here:  A six card pull.  Helps you look at the state of your relationship and where it might be going. 

1.      Where we are now

2.      What is causing us a problem

3.      What we have forgotten to respect

4.      What we need to express

5.      Our options

6.      Where we will go from here

Sexual Chemistry:  A seven card pull.  A little insight into your sexual chemistry. Can be done solo or with your partner.

1.      My sexual style right now is….

2.      Your sexual style right now is….

3.      I’m passionate about you because….

4.      You are passionate about me because….

5.      You make me feel….

6.      I make you feel….

7.      Our sexual alchemy is….

You and Me:  A seven card pull.  A little delve into your relationship.  Can be done solo or with a partner.

1.      My feelings are…

2.      My desires are…

3.      My regrets are….

4.      Your feelings are…

5.      Your desires are…

6.      Your regrets are….

7.      Our future is….


Hurt Feelings:  A nine-card spread.  This solo spread is called “ouch” because it can hurt.  It is to help you understand a little more deeply what it is about your partner and yourself that sparks hurt feelings. 

1.      How I love

2.      How I hurt you

3.      How I defend myself

4.      How you love me

5.      How you hurt me

6.      How you defend yourself

7.      Who am I right now?

8.      Who are you right now?

9.      Where are we going?


Partnership Truth:  An eleven-card spread.  Done either by yourself or with your partner and takes you deeper than all the other relationship layouts. 

1.      Me now

2.      You now

3.      Our joint goal/aspiration

4.      Do I really want this?

5.      Do you really want this?

6.      Our current illusion

7.      How I can help fix it

8.      How you can help fix it

9.      Our hidden/unspoken agenda

10. What I’m projecting onto you

11. What you are projecting onto me


Mirroring:  A nine-card spread.  Another revealing spread to do solo or together.  If you are honest, it will help you lean to respect each other’s individual perception of the relationship.

1.      What I am or think I am

2.      What you are or think you are

3.      This is what I feel

4.      This what you feel

5.      This is what I think you feel

6.      This what you think I feel

7.      This is what I wan to happen

8.      This is what you want to happen

9.      This is the outcome


Secrets:  A ten card pull.  This solo spread allows you to explore your true inner feelings for yourself and your partner.

1.       My secret desire for myself

2.      My secret fear for myself

3.      My secret weapon for myself

4.      My secret feeling (for you)

5.      My secret love (for you)

6.      My secret hate (for you)

7.      My secret power

8.      My secret vulnerability


Revelation Spreads

 What Am I Doing With My Life:  A six card pull.  This spread can give you positive direction if you feel stuck or unsure of where to go from here.

1.      Me now

2.      What I am afraid of

3.      Past influence—beneficial

4.      Past influence—negative

5.      I promise myself this

6.      This will be the results


The Problem, Suggestion and Answer:  A three card pull.  Have a personal problem and don’t know what to do next.  This is a good spread for that.

1.      This is the root of my current problem

2.      This is how to deal with it

3.      The resolution


Outer Attitude, Inner Truth:  A seven card pull.  Reveals your inner truth and the façade that is on show to the world.

1.      Inner truth about what you want

2.      Outer attitude toward achievement

3.      Inner truth about what you need

4.      Outer attitude about values

5.      Inner truth—your feelings

6.      Outer attitude—reactions

7.      Future inner truth to be revealed.


Current Challenges, Future Outcomes:  A seven card pull.  Allows you to explore the current challenges you may need to resolve in your life.

1.      Personal challenge right now

2.      Relationship challenge right now

3.      What holds me back?

4.      What motivates me?

5.      Where will I get support?

6.      What decision do I need to make based on the above?

7.      The outcome


What I Need to Learn:  A nine card pull.  This spread focuses on the three main areas, love, life and career, to help you take the next step along the road.

1, 2, 3  What I need to learn about love

4, 5, 6   What I need to learn about life          

7,8,9  What I need to learn about my vocation


Letting Go of the Past: A five card pull.  This spread is a tiny bit different from the others because you must first choose the card that represents the thing idea, person, complex, dynamic, feeling or whatever you want to leave behind.

1.      I want to let go of…

2.      What is stopping me?

3.      How to more forward

4.      Future influences to avoid

5.      Future influences to embrace


Dumping Doubts and Fears:  A seven card pull.  This is useful when you don’t know what needs to be dumped, but you have a feeling that something isn’t going right for you.

1.      Me now

2.      What I’m denying

3.      What I’m repressing

4.      What I’m projecting

5.      What I’m compensating for

6.      What will help me overcome my doubts

7.      What will help me overcome my fears


 How Do I Find Love:  A six card pull.  This spread allows you to explore what kind of love you need right now and how you will find it.

1.      You now

2.      The kind of love you need

3.      What you must express

4.      What you must give

5.      What you must take

6.      How you will find love


Decision Maker:  A six card pull.  This spread opens your eyes to the various factors involved and points the way to the outcome of that decision.

1.      You now

2.      This is your focus

3.      Difficult influences

4.      This makes sense

5.      Unexpected insight

6.      The outcome


Mystic Seven:  A seven card pull.  The mystic seven gives you insights into the past, present and future. 

1.      Your current situation

2.      Obstacles

3.      Your aspiration

4.      What needs to be awakened

5.      What lies behind you

6.      The next stage

7.      What will be


Divining Myself:  An eight card pull.  A solo spread to help you look within to get to know and understand yourself and your motivations

1.      I am this now

2.      This is what bugs me

3.      What I like about myself

4.      What I don’t like about myself

5.      My talent

6.      My temptation

7.      My personal quest

8.      My current guardian angel


Aspirations and Goals:  A nine card pull.  Use this spread if you need motivation, self-belief and confidence to follow up your goals

1.      Current objective

2.      Talent or skill

3.      Pitfalls

4.      Support

5.      Potential

6.      Your inner strength

7.      This promises progress

8.      The force that will be with you

9.      The outcome


Destiny Spreads

The Zodiac:  A twelve card pull.  Based on the 12 zodiac signs, gives you insight into all aspects of any current situation. 

1.      My window on the world (Aries)

2.      What I value most right now (Taurus)

3.      What I need to communicate (Gemini)

4.      My sense of belonging (Cancer)

5.      How I can feel special (Leo)

6.      Where I can be of service (Virgo)

7.      What make me feel complete (Libra)

8.      My sexual needs (Scorpio)

9.      What gives my life meaning (Sagittarius)

10. How I appear to the world (Capricorn)

11. My current ideals (Aquarius)

12. My Secret (Pisces)

Astrology See-Saw:  A twelve card pull.  Cards are read in pairs to allow you to see both sides of the issues that affect us all.

1 and 2:  Who you are, what you project on others

3 and 4:  Personal value, joint resources

5 and 6:  Current focus, meaning in life

7 and 8:  Emotional need, outer image/success

9 and 10:  Individual goal, collective expectation

11 and 12:  Day to day reality, your secret world


The Gypsy:  A twenty card pull.  A spread with a colourful palette from which to thread together your past, present and future.  Often use by gypsy fortune-tellers in the past.  It is lined up in three rows or the past (A) the present (B) the future (C).

1.      Work/prospects

2.      Home/needs

3.      Luck/desires

4.      Friends/support

5.      Love/sex

6.      Plans/goals

7.      Personal quest


The Year Ahead:  A twelve-card spread.  This spread is based on the astrological year rather than the calendar year. Opportunities and/or mission for each month.

1.      April

2.      May

3.      June

4.      July

5.      August

6.      September

7.      October

8.      November

9.      December

10. January

11. February

12. March


The Chakras:  A ten card pull.  Tradition maintains that a system of energy flows through the body linked by seven main energy centres known as the chakras.

1.      Base or Root chakra

2.      Sacral chakra

3.      Solar plexus chakra

4.      Solar plexus chakra (2)

5.      Heart chakra

6.      Throat chakra

7.      throat chakra (2)

8.      Third eye chakra

9.      Third eye chakra (2)

10. Crown chakra


Projection:  A thirteen card pull.  Qualities or issues you unconsciously or consciously project onto the world around you are revealed in this spread.

1.      How I see myself right now

2.      What I can’t see about myself

3.      Tests and boundaries

4.      Test and boundaries (2)

5.      People and relationships

6.      People and relationships (2)

7.      Goals and ideals

8.      Goals and ideals (2)

9.      Desires and dreams

10. Desires and dreams (2)

11. What is to come, what is to go

12. What is to come, what is to go (2)

13. Outcome


The Wish List:  A fourteen card pull.  With this spread you will discover how to make your dream future come true. 

1.      My ideal future is…

2.      Where I want to be this time next year

3.      Who I want to be with this time next year

4.      Family or independence?

5.      What I want to achieve

6.      What I want to learn

7.      What I want to leave behind

8.      9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Insights into making these wishes come true.

Oracle Card Reading

Are you interested in what the Oracle cards say about you? I can pull a card daily, weekly, monthly or yearly for you discover what the Oracle cards have instore for you. Currently only offering a one card pull. More coming soon.

Please note that like Tarot readings, Oracle Card readings are not set in stone. Many Oracle card readers read the cards differently. There is no right or wrong way. With the actually meaning of the cards you can decide for yourself if it applies to you or not. Keep an open mind and try not to project what you want onto the cards instead of what actually is. Like Tarot readings, Oracle readings can be very powerful if you allow them to be. I have several decks for you to choose from.

The same as the Tarot Cards I can do a reading for you or someone else. I am happy to even have some fun if you want me to a reading for some else such as a member of Stray Kids or Taylor Swift or whoever. Just for fun and for those you must show proof of a charity donation.

To book a reading please click here: Oracle Card Reading

Coming soon

*More types of Oracle card readings

*Candle magic spells

*Akashic record readings

*And much more