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VIP seated ticket package to see Stray Kids in Toronto.

For charity I am raffling off ONE VIP seated ticket package to see Stray Kids at the new Rogers Stadium in Toronto. This is for the VIP seated ticket package only.

It does NOT include flight, accommodations, food, spending money, etc. Just the ticket package.

The VIP seated ticket package includes:

*One premium reserved ticket to the show (This ticket is in area B2 within the first ten rows)

*Access to the pre-show Stray Kids soundcheck

*Exclusive VIP gift item

*VIP laminate and lanyard

*Pre-show merchandise shopping opportunity

*Early entry to the venue

*Designated check-in and on-site VIP event staff

*All of the above its subject to change depending on the venue.

You will be my seat neighbour and I am happy to team up to attend the event.

The rules are pretty simple.

  1. You must be 18 years or older.

  2. Make, at least, a $25 donation to the Toronto Sick Kids Hospital by clicking the logo image below. For each $25 dollars you donate is another entry. So if you donate 50 dollars that is 2 entries and so on.

Send your proof of donation (screen shot is acceptable), your full legal name, how you want me to contact you, email or phone number to:


Make sure it says ‘Stray Kids raffle’ in the subject box. Once confirmed I will enter your name into the draw.

I will be drawing the winning ticket on May 1, 2025.

If you win you will have 48 hours to confirm you still want the ticket and you must send me photo ID so I can confirm it is you on the day of the concert. If not confirmed, I will redraw until I get a confirmation from a ticket winner.

This is strictly for donations for Sick Kids so lets play fair. Only enter if you intend to actually attend the concert yourself. I will not transfer the ticket until the day of the concert to stop it from being resold.